The Bowl at Sugar Hill
5039 West Broad St.
Sugar Hill, GA 30518


Gates will typically open one hour prior to the start of the show at 7 p.m., depending on the performance. Please check your tickets for show time. While schedules vary, typical show times are: Gates Open – 7 p.m., Opener – 8 p.m., Main Act – 9 p.m.


Public parking can be found on West Broad St., Church St., at Sugar Hill Church, the E Center Parking garage, and the Parking Deck located on Temple Dr. Parking on the lower parking deck of City Hall is reserved for those with ADA stickers. Click here to view a parking map.


Tickets can be purchased by visiting our website or at

After you have purchased your seat(s) you will receive an email with your ticket(s). You can choose to print it off, or just have it scanned from your phone upon entry. You can access your ticket through your email at any time.


All prices, performers, dates and times are subject to change without notice. There are no refunds or exchanges available. The Bowl is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. If an event is canceled or rescheduled refunds may be issued. If you experience technical problems please contact Big Tickets


All shows are rain or shine. If there is inclement weather, please feel free to bring a rain poncho or umbrella (no golf umbrellas please).


Times are subject to change. For MOST events, gates open at 7pm, opener performs at 8pm, and the headline act performs at 9pm. Please check the event listing page for gate times.


We allow patrons to bring in their own food and drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. However, we do not allow glass in the venue.

The E Center, immediately next to The Bowl, is home to a range of dining options.
Shine Pizza serves up amazing pizza creations. Across “39th Street” Rushing Trading Company is a gourmet coffee shop and restaurant with a full bar that serves up sandwiches, beautiful charcuterie plates, and uniquely designed cocktails (Please see their website for current hours). In the back of the E Center Central City Tavern is an upscale sports bar with a range of delicious food options and cool cocktails. Across West Broad is R Real Taco with delicious food and drinks!


Coolers must be small enough to fit under your provided chair. For tables, coolers can be no larger than 15x10x14. Coolers/bags are subject to search.


We offer two types of table seating. We have tables that seat four and picnic tables that seat six. These can be purchased through our ticketing site or at


The Amphitheater is wheelchair accessible. We offer both ADA parking and seating.


The Bowl is a municipally owned venue and in accordance with the Georgia State Clean Air Act of 2005, smoking is not permitted in The Bowl. Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking area behind the venue.


Cameras are not allowed during concerts. Cell phone cameras are permissible.


Service animals are permitted in the amphitheatre.


Items found during an event are taken to The Eagle Theatre. Contact an Events Department staff member for assistance.

During events, to inquire about lost and found items, visit the concessions stand.


Tickets left for Will Call can be picked up at Gate 1 once gates are open. Gate 1 is located between the lower City Hall parking deck and The Bowl. Please bring your ID or ticket confirmation email with you.


Season Table holders will have the first chance to purchase tickets for all 2025 concerts. Please email asimmons@cityofsugarhill to be added to the season ticket waitlist.